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High Risk

name: str

Name of feature in the params file. Also used to name the attribute in Agent

stats: List[str]

High Risk collects the following stats:

  • high_risk_new - number of agents that became active high risk this time step
  • high_risk_new_hiv - number of agents that became active high risk this time step with HIV
  • high_risk_new_aids - number of agents that became active high risk this time step with AIDS
  • high_risk_new_dx - number of agents that became active high risk this time step with diagnosed HIV
  • high_risk_new_haart - number of agents that became active high risk this time step with active HAART
  • hiv_new_high_risk - number of agents that became active with HIV this time step who are high risk
  • hiv_new_high_risk_ever - number of agents that became active with HIV this time step were ever high risk

become_high_risk(self, pop, time, duration=None)

Mark an agent as high risk and assign a duration to their high risk period


Name Type Description Default
pop population.Population

the model poopulation

time int

the time step the agent is becoming high risk

duration int

duration of the high risk period, defaults to param value if not passed [params.high_risk.sex_based]

Source code in titan/features/
def become_high_risk(
    self, pop: "population.Population", time: int, duration: int = None
    Mark an agent as high risk and assign a duration to their high risk period

        pop: the model poopulation
        time: the time step the agent is becoming high risk
        duration: duration of the high risk period, defaults to param value if not passed [params.high_risk.sex_based]

    if not self.agent.location.params.features.high_risk:
        return None

    if not self.ever:
        self.time = time = True
    self.ever = True

    if duration is not None:
        self.duration = duration
        self.duration = self.agent.location.params.high_risk.sex_based[

        pop, self.agent.location.params.high_risk.partner_scale

init_agent(self, pop, time)

Initialize the agent for this feature during population initialization (Population.create_agent). Called on only features that are enabled per the params.

Based on agent demographic params, randomly initialize agent as high risk.


Name Type Description Default
pop population.Population

the population this agent is a part of

time int

the current time step

Source code in titan/features/
def init_agent(self, pop: "population.Population", time: int):
    Initialize the agent for this feature during population initialization (`Population.create_agent`).  Called on only features that are enabled per the params.

    Based on agent demographic params, randomly initialize agent as high risk.

        pop: the population this agent is a part of
        time: the current time step
    if (
        < self.agent.location.params.demographics[self.agent.race]
        self.become_high_risk(pop, time)

set_stats(self, stats, time)

Update the stats dictionary passed for this agent. Called from output.get_stats for each enabled feature in the model.

The stats to be updated must be declared in the class attribute stats to make sure the dictionary has the expected keys/counter value initialized.


Name Type Description Default
stats Dict[str, int]

the dictionary to update with this agent's feature statistics

time int

the time step of the model when the stats are set

Source code in titan/features/
def set_stats(self, stats: Dict[str, int], time: int):
    if self.time == time:
        stats["high_risk_new"] += 1
        if  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            stats["high_risk_new_hiv"] += 1
            if  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                stats["high_risk_new_aids"] += 1
            if  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                stats["high_risk_new_dx"] += 1
                if  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                    stats["high_risk_new_haart"] += 1

    # newly hiv
    if == time:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            stats["hiv_new_high_risk"] += 1
        if self.ever:
            stats["hiv_new_high_risk_ever"] += 1

update_agent(self, model)

Update the agent for this feature for a time step. Called once per time step in TITAN.update_all_agents. Agent level updates are done after population level updates. Called on only features that are enabled per the params.

Update high risk agents or remove them from high risk pool. An agent becomes high_risk through the incarceration feature


Name Type Description Default
model model.TITAN

the instance of TITAN currently being run

Source code in titan/features/
def update_agent(self, model: "model.TITAN"):
    Update the agent for this feature for a time step.  Called once per time step in `TITAN.update_all_agents`. Agent level updates are done after population level updates.   Called on only features that are enabled per the params.

    Update high risk agents or remove them from high risk pool.  An agent becomes high_risk through the incarceration feature

        model: the instance of TITAN currently being run
    if not
        # released last step, evaluate agent for high risk
        if self.agent.incar.release_time == model.time - 1:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            self.become_high_risk(model.pop, model.time)

        # incarcerated last step, evaluate agent's partners for high risk
        elif self.agent.incar.time == model.time - 1:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]

            # put partners in high risk
            for partner in self.agent.get_partners(
                if (
                    not  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
                    and model.run_random.random()
                    < partner.location.params.high_risk.prob
                    partner.high_risk.become_high_risk(model.pop, model.time)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    elif self.duration > 0:
        self.duration -= 1
    else: = False

            model.pop, -1 * self.agent.location.params.high_risk.partner_scale

        for bond in self.agent.location.params.high_risk.partnership_types:
            num_ended = 0
            while (
                len([bond]) - num_ended
            ) > self.agent.target_partners[bond]:
                rel = utils.safe_random_choice(
                    self.agent.relationships, model.run_random
                if rel is not None:
                    num_ended += 1
                    rel.duration = 0  # will end on next step

update_partner_numbers(self, pop, amount)

Update the agent's mean and target partner numbers by the amount passed. Update partnerability for the population.


Name Type Description Default
pop population.Population

the model population

amount int

the positive or negatative amount to adjust the mean by

Source code in titan/features/
def update_partner_numbers(self, pop: "population.Population", amount: int):
    Update the agent's mean and target partner numbers by the amount passed.  Update partnerability for the population.

        pop: the model population
        amount: the positive or negatative amount to adjust the mean by
    for bond in self.agent.location.params.high_risk.partnership_types:
        self.agent.mean_num_partners[bond] += amount  # could be negative
        self.agent.target_partners[bond] = poisson(
            pop.np_random, self.agent.mean_num_partners[bond]