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Running locally

Running the Model

The model has a wrapper script called that makes running a full simulation easy. TITAN can also be run from an interactive repl or a custom script.

To run the model, execute the program within the /titan/ directory. See TITAN params for documentation on how to set and use parameters.

Results of the model are generated and aggregated into the /results/ directory by default. If the model is re-run, the existing results will be overwritten.


Below are the results of python --help. It highlights all of the command line arguments that can be passed to the script.

usage: [-h] [-n [NMC]] [-S SETTING] -p PARAMS [-o OUTDIR]
                    [-b BASE] [-e] [--savepop] [--poppath POPPATH]
                    [-w SWEEP [SWEEP ...]] [-W SWEEPFILE] [-r ROWS] [-F]

Run TITAN model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n [NMC], --nMC [NMC]
                        number of monte carlo runs to complete
  -S SETTING, --setting SETTING
                        setting directory to use
  -p PARAMS, --params PARAMS
                        directory or file with params yaml(s)
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        directory name to save results to
  -b BASE, --base BASE  whether to use base setting
  -e, --error           Error on unused parameters instead of warning
  --savepop             Save population after creation, but before model run.
  --poppath POPPATH     Path to saved population (directory or .tar.gz file)
  -w SWEEP [SWEEP ...], --sweep SWEEP [SWEEP ...]
                        Optional and repeatable definitions of numeric params
                        to sweep. Expected format is param:start:stop[:step]
                        Optional. CSV file with param sweep definitions.
                        Header row must contain param paths, with data rows
                        containing values. If this is passed, any `-w` args
                        will be ignored.
  -r ROWS, --rows ROWS  Optional. Which data rows of sweepfile to use in
                        format start:stop.
  -F, --force           Run model even if number of sweeps exceeds 100

titan.run_titan.main(setting, params_path, num_reps, outdir, sweeps, force, sweepfile=None, rows=None, error_on_unused=False, save_pop=False, pop_path=None)



Name Type Description Default
setting str

setting name to use, matches a folder name in settings/

params_path str

path to params file or directory

num_reps int

number of time to repeat each sweep

outdir str

directory where results are to be saved

sweeps List[str]

array of strings in param:start:stop:step format

force bool

if true, will run even if combination of sweeps results in greater than 100 runs

sweepfile Optional[str]

path to csv file of sweep definitions

rows Optional[str]

which rows of the csv to load to create sweeps in start:stop format

error_on_unused bool

error if there are parameters that are unused by the model

save_pop bool

if true, will save the population to file after creation

pop_path Optional[str]

path to a population to load instead of creating a new population for each run

Source code in titan/
def main(
    setting: str,
    params_path: str,
    num_reps: int,
    outdir: str,
    sweeps: List[str],
    force: bool,
    sweepfile: Optional[str] = None,
    rows: Optional[str] = None,
    error_on_unused: bool = False,
    save_pop: bool = False,
    pop_path: Optional[str] = None,
    Run TITAN!

        setting: setting name to use, matches a folder name in `settings/`
        params_path: path to params file or directory
        num_reps: number of time to repeat each sweep
        outdir: directory where results are to be saved
        sweeps: array of strings in param:start:stop:step format
        force: if true, will run even if combination of sweeps results in greater than 100 runs
        sweepfile: path to csv file of sweep definitions
        rows: which rows of the csv to load to create sweeps in start:stop format
        error_on_unused: error if there are parameters that are unused by the model
        save_pop: if true, will save the population to file after creation
        pop_path: path to a population to load instead of creating a new population for each run
    outfile_dir = setup_outdir(outdir, save_pop)

    # generate params - if no setting, set to none
    setting = setting.lower()
    setting_parsed = None if setting == "custom" else setting

    params = create_params(

    # set up sweeps
    sweep_defs = get_sweep_defs(sweepfile, rows, sweeps, num_reps, force)

    tic = time_mod.time()
    wct = []  # wall clock times

    with Pool(
        processes=NCORES, maxtasksperchild=1
    ) as pool:  # set max tasks/child to prevent processor drift
        results = [
                single_run, (sweep_def, outfile_dir, params, save_pop, pop_path)
            for sweep_def in sweep_defs
        while True:
            if all([r.ready() for r in results]):

        for r in results:
                t = r.get()
            except Exception:

    toc = time_mod.time() - tic


    for task, time_t in enumerate(wct):
        print(("wall clock time on for simulation %d: %8.4f seconds" % (task, time_t)))

    def mean(seq):
        return sum(seq) / len(seq)

    print(("\nSUMMARY:\nall tasks - mean: %8.4f seconds" % mean(wct)))
    print(("all tasks - min:  %8.4f seconds" % min(wct)))
    print(("all tasks - max:  %8.4f seconds" % max(wct)))
    print(("all tasks - sum:  %8.4f seconds" % sum(wct)))
    print(f"all tasks - total: {toc} seconds")

Running Interactively

The model can also be run interactively in the repl. Start a python session from the root directory of TITAN, and follow along!

We'll use the sample params file tests/params/basic.yml in all of these examples, but feel free to use a different one.

Here is how to perform the basic steps of running the model:

from titan.parse_params import create_params
from titan.model import TITAN

outdir = 'results'

params = create_params(None, 'tests/params/basic.yml', outdir)
model = TITAN(params)

This creates a params object using no setting (the None), our test params, and tells create_params to put our computed params file in a directory called results.

the 'results' directory must already be created

We then use those params to create our model, and run it. We also have the model results saved to our results directory.

We should now see a params.yml in our 'results' directory, and some reports showing what happened at different timesteps in the model.

If we wanted to debug something, or look at a very specific metric that wasn't in our reports, we could instead step through the model one time-step at a time.

Resuming from our code above, here's how we could do that.

model2 = TITAN(params)
start_time = 0
end_time = 10
for i in range(start_time, end_time):
    model2.time = i # update the model's time

    # do some introspection here, like...

    # make sure the model state is reset for a new time step

If we want to write and read in a population instead of letting the model create one...

from titan import population_io as pio
from titan.population import Population
from copy import deepcopy

# let's make a copy of our params and tinker with the population a bit
params2 = deepcopy(params) = 0.4

pop = Population(params2)
poppath = pio.write(pop, outdir)

pop2 = # this should be the same population as pop

# pass a population to the model to use that instead of creating a new one
model3 = TITAN(param2, pop2)

Running the Tests

To make sure everything is working, run the tests. A few of the tests (marked integration_stochastic) sometimes fail as they are testing for general behavior and not specific correctness, but all other tests should always pass.

python -m pytest