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Locations can be used in TITAN to differentiate agents by "geography". The primary features of locations are:

  • Differentiated parameters via location scaling/overrides
  • Location based assorting (including based on neighboring locations)
    • Can have agents assort with agents from their own location vs neighbors vs all others
    • Neighboring locations are determined by the edges defined in params.location
    • See params app for details on assorting rules
    • It is also possible to define edges via a geography CSV (see utils). This is also exposed via the grid2edges command line utility (run grid2edges --help for usage).
  • Migration between locations
    • When an agent migrates locations, they adopt the parameters of their new location
    • Migration can cause the population numbers in a location to drift over time
    • See params app for details


__init__(self, name, defn, params) special

This class constructs and represents a location within the model. A location can have an arbitrary geographic granularity.


Name Type Description Default
name str

name of the location

defn ObjMap

definition for this location

params ObjMap

model parameters

Source code in titan/
def __init__(self, name: str, defn: ObjMap, params: ObjMap):
    This class constructs and represents a location within the model.  A location
        can have an arbitrary geographic granularity.

        name: name of the location
        defn: definition for this location
        params: model parameters
    # location properties = name
    self.params = self.create_params(params)
    self.ppl = defn.ppl  # percent of overall population assigned to this location
    self.category = defn.category  # arbitrary category, can be used for migration

    # value/weight maps needed for creating new agents in this location
    self.pop_weights: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]] = {}
    self.role_weights: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
    self.drug_weights: Dict[str, Dict] = {}

    self.migration_weights: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    self.neighbors: Set[str] = set()  # or maybe edges instead

create_params(self, params)

Scale or override the generic parameters with any location based scaling from params.location.scaling


Name Type Description Default
params ObjMap

model parameters



Type Description

new parameter object with scaled values for this location

Source code in titan/
def create_params(self, params: ObjMap) -> ObjMap:
    Scale or override the generic parameters with any location based scaling from params.location.scaling

        params: model parameters

        new parameter object with scaled values for this location
    new_params = deepcopy(params)

    defns = new_params.location.scaling[]
    for param_path, defn in defns.items():
        if param_path != "ls_default":
            if defn.field == "scalar":
                utils.scale_param(new_params, param_path, defn.scalar)
            elif defn.field == "override":
                utils.override_param(new_params, param_path, defn.override)

    return new_params


Create the containers to hold values and weights for randomly selecting:

  • sex_role
  • drug_type
  • race
  • sex_type
Source code in titan/
def init_weights(self):
    Create the containers to hold values and weights for randomly selecting:

    * sex_role
    * drug_type
    * race
    * sex_type

    def init_weight_dict(d, item):
        d[item] = {}
        d[item]["values"] = []
        d[item]["weights"] = []

    def add_weight(d, v, w):

    total_ppl = 0
    for race, race_param in self.params.demographics.items():
        self.role_weights[race] = {}
        self.drug_weights[race] = {}
        init_weight_dict(self.pop_weights, race)
        total_ppl += race_param.ppl
        for st, st_param in race_param.sex_type.items():
            add_weight(self.pop_weights[race], st, st_param.ppl)
            init_weight_dict(self.role_weights[race], st)
            init_weight_dict(self.drug_weights[race], st)
            for role, prob in st_param.sex_role.init.items():
                add_weight(self.role_weights[race][st], role, prob)
            for dt, dt_param in st_param.drug_type.items():
                add_weight(self.drug_weights[race][st], dt, dt_param.ppl)

            assert math.isclose(
                sum(self.role_weights[race][st]["weights"]), 1, abs_tol=0.001
            ), f"{}'s' {race} {st} role weights must add to 1"
            assert math.isclose(
                sum(self.drug_weights[race][st]["weights"]), 1, abs_tol=0.001
            ), f"ppl of {}'s' {race} {st} drug_types must add to 1"

        assert math.isclose(
            sum(self.pop_weights[race]["weights"]), 1, abs_tol=0.001
        ), f"ppl of {}'s' {race} sex_types must add to 1"

    assert math.isclose(
        total_ppl, 1, abs_tol=0.001
    ), f"ppl of {}'s' races must add to 1"


__init__(self, loc1, loc2, distance, id=None) special

Construct a location edge, which holds attributes that relate two Locations.


Name Type Description Default
loc1 Location

the first location

loc2 Location

the other location

distance float

a measure of distance between the locations

id Optional[int]

a unique identifier for this edge

Source code in titan/
def __init__(
    self, loc1: Location, loc2: Location, distance: float, id: Optional[int] = None
    Construct a location edge, which holds attributes that relate two Locations.

        loc1: the first location
        loc2: the other location
        distance: a measure of distance between the locations
        id: a unique identifier for this edge
    assert loc1 != loc2, "can't have a location self-edge"

    # is unique ID number used to track each edge.
    if id is not None: = id
    else: = self.next_edge_id


    self.edge = set({loc1, loc2})
    self.distance = distance



__init__(self, params) special

Umbrella class to initialize/store locations and location edges for a population


Name Type Description Default
params ObjMap

model parameters

Source code in titan/
def __init__(self, params: ObjMap):
    Umbrella class to initialize/store locations and location edges for a population

        params: model parameters

    self.locations: Dict[str, Location] = {
        location: Location(location, defn, params)
        for location, defn in params.classes.locations.items()

    self.categories: Dict[str, List[Location]] = {}
    for location in self.locations.values():
        if location.category in self.categories:
            self.categories[location.category] = [location]

    if params.location.migration.enabled:
        with open(params.location.migration.probs_file, newline="") as f:
            reader = csv.DictReader(f)
            for row in reader:
                from_loc = row.pop("")
                prob = float(row.pop("prob", 1))
                values = list(row.keys())
                weights = list(map(float, row.values()))
                assert math.isclose(
                    sum(weights), 1, abs_tol=0.001
                ), f"Migration weights for {from_loc} must add to 1"
                if params.location.migration.attribute == "name":
                    self.locations[from_loc].migration_weights["prob"] = prob
                    self.locations[from_loc].migration_weights["weights"] = weights
                    self.locations[from_loc].migration_weights["values"] = values
                elif params.location.migration.attribute == "category":
                    for location in self.categories[from_loc]:
                        location.migration_weights["prob"] = prob
                        location.migration_weights["weights"] = weights
                        location.migration_weights["values"] = values
                    raise ValueError("Unknown migration attribute")

    self.edges: Set[LocationEdge] = set()
    for name, defn in params.location.edges.items():
        if name != "edge_default":
            loc1 = self.locations[defn.location_1]
            loc2 = self.locations[defn.location_2]
            self.edges.add(LocationEdge(loc1, loc2, defn.distance))